Puerto Rico is located in Central America & is an island in the United States
of America, located north of the Atlantic Ocean & south of the Caribbean Sea.
Being positioned northwest of the Caribbean Sea & about 1,600 miles southeast of Miami in Florida. It is the smallest of the islands Greater Antilles. It covers an area of approximately 9,104 square kilometers & has a population of 3,193,694 as of 2019. The capital of Puerto Rico is in San Juan.
Puerto Rico is an ideal destination for those looking for rest & relaxation, unique cocktails as well as unforgettable outdoor activities. Additionally, if you want to see unique Caribbean architecture & scenic alleys, then Puerto Rico is the ideal destination for you.
Also, if you are looking for your next destination to relax & enjoy swimming in unforgettable beaches, again Puerto Rico should be included on your holidays bucket list. Incredible beaches, other wavy (for skiers & kite surfing friends) & others with unique coral reefs for those who want to enjoy unique places & take special photos, in Puerto Rico you will definitely find the beach that suits your “tastes”.
Even if you enjoy action & you are looking for hiking & sightseeing tours that offer unparalleled views, yes Puerto Rico is the destination for you.
You will also have the opportunity to taste traditional Caribbean cuisine, enjoy traditional venues in local hangouts as well as various other sports activities offered in the island.
The main spoken language in Puerto Rico is English & Spanish.
Puerto Rico, was originally a Spanish colony and was followed by the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1943.
Although Puerto Ricans have been considered Americans since 1917, they do not pay taxes in the United States, so they also do not vote for the President of the United States.
Puerto Rico consists of the island of Puerto Rico as well as 5 smaller islands including Vieques, Culembra, Mona, Caya de Muerto & Desceo. Among which only Culebra & Vieques are inhibeted all year long. There are also even smaller islands which are connected to the mainland by bridges.
Puerto Rico is located in a fairly seismic area as its location is between the lithospheric plates of the Caribbean & North America. The country has went through two very big earthquakes one in 1918 & one in 2020 with very big economic disasters. Also the cyclones are not absent from the island.
When visiting Puerto Rico, do not miss the opportunity to try the enchanting local cuisine.
Photos from Puerto Rico:
Hotels in Puerto Rico:
Tip: For more comfort when visiting the sights at Puerto Rico, we suggest you rent a car with which you can move easily all the days of your stay.

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